My New Favorite Skill: “Dealing With Ambiguity”

I heard about a concept this week that I like, which is the phrase, “Dealing With Ambiguity”. Now, this is a pretty straightforward phrase, but the context in which I heard was very interesting. It was the idea of this being a very specific skill that can be practiced and trained. In the area of […]

Making Mistakes and Missing Due Dates

So as I mentioned a few months ago, I’d made a concerted effort to regularly author blog posts. But, all excuses aside, I was impacted by the hurricane last week and didn’t get a blog post written. Now, to be honest, I’m always a couple of blog posts ahead and I’ve authored a couple of […]

Are You Off Course? Probably.

So I’m reading The Slight Edge, a pretty awesome book by Jeff Olson, and it is dawning on me how his basic principles apply to Agile. One anecdote that he mentions several times is that when a rocket is flying to the Moon it is actually off-course for over 90% of the time. Now that […]

Its Never My Fault, or How To Be A Real Superstar

Several times in my career, I have missed deadlines, delivered buggy solutions, or otherwise had failures and setbacks with my engineering efforts that weren’t really my fault. In two specific cases, unknown bugs were discovered in third-party vendor products in edge cases, and the bugs trickled up into our products in a customer-facing way. So […]

Agile Development and Schedule Estimation

You can have fixed time and variable scope, or variable time and fixed scope, but a product owner can’t pick both. Lately, I’ve heard this quote several times.  At first, it makes sense. A product owner/stakeholder can either tell the team the requirements, and the team can then define the schedule.  Or the product owner […]